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Qomaruddin Gresik University received approval with a decree. Number 2 / KPT / I / 2019, dated January 23, 2019 and inaugurated by the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Prof. Mohammad Nasir, Ph.D. Ak., on January 31, 2019 / 23 Jumadil Ulaa 1440 H. This university is the result of marger from two Colleges under the Qomaruddin Sampurnan Islamic Boarding School Foundation, Bungah Gresik, namely Qomaruddin Technical College (STTQ) and Qomaruddin Teacher Training and Education College (STKIP) Gresik.

The history of the presence of Qomaruddin University (UQ) cannot be separated from the history of the Qomaruddin Islamic Boarding School Foundation (YPPQ), because this university is under its auspices. The idea of his birth emerged from KH R. Ahmad Muhammad Alhammad, the seventh Regent of the Islamic Boarding School. He aspires to have a higher education institution within the Qomaruddin Islamic Boarding School Foundation, to provide answers and solutions to the needs of the community for the presence of higher education. At that time, he proposed a name, namely Qomaruddin University.

Qomaruddin University is domiciled in Gresik City, East Java, which is under the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia


Post-graduate Director

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